Tuesday 24 October 2017

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Forex Trading Signals gratis El día de negociación se refiere a la compra, a continuación, la venta o venta corta y luego comprar la misma seguridad en el mismo día. Si alguna vez has pensado en probar tu propia suerte con el día de negociación en el mercado de valores, aquí hay algunas cosas importantes que usted debe saber y hacer primero: 1. La mayoría de los comerciantes día don8217t hacer cualquier dinero It8217s cierto: estudios académicos como éste muestran lo difícil que Es hacer un beneficio a través del día de comercio. Como observa el estudio, 8 de los comerciantes de 10 días pierden dinero 8211 y mientras que los comerciantes de día pesado gana ganancias brutas, ese dinero no es suficiente para cubrir los costos de transacción. 2. Ustedes son irracionales. No importa lo nivelado que crean que son, cuando se trata de dinero, tenemos prejuicios de comportamiento inherentes que son casi imposibles de superar. Los estudios académicos han cubierto éstos a menudo, la aversión de la pérdida y la codicia vieja llana pueden llevarnos a tomar malas decisiones cuando viene a manejar nuestro dinero ya comprar y vender las existencias. 3. Usted necesita tener dinero para quemar o, al menos usted necesita tener suficiente dinero para que cualquier pérdida won8217t económicamente destruir. Lo mismo ocurre con su fondo de emergencia. Y pedir dinero prestado al comercio diario también es un negocio bastante arriesgado. 4. Don8217t consiga guardar todo el dinero Como el papel académico referenciado anterior encontró, la mayoría de los comerciantes pesados ​​don8217t ganan bastantes para cubrir sus costes de transacción. Que 8217s porque cada vez que usted compra o vende una seguridad, you8217re pagar por el privilegio. Los costos de transacción pueden variar en función de la plataforma que utilice. 5. Usted puede predecir el futuro El comercio del día es esencialmente tiempo de mercado. Ganar dinero cuando se anticipa lo que otros van a hacer y actuar primero. Pulse el botón de compra o venta demasiado tarde y puede perder más dinero. La cosa es, nadie puede predecir el futuro 8211 que necesita para ser capaz de manejar la incertidumbre y mantener la calma en el ínterin. 6. Evitar la negociación durante los primeros 15 minutos del mercado abierto Los primeros 15 minutos de la acción del mercado son a menudo las operaciones de pánico o las órdenes de mercado colocado la noche anterior. Los comerciantes del día de novatos deben evitar este período de tiempo, mientras que también busca reversiones. Si usted está buscando para obtener ganancias rápidas, es mejor esperar un tiempo hasta que pueda detectar oportunidades gratificantes. Incluso muchos profesionales de evitar el mercado abierto. 7. Tener un plan de venta Muchos novatos pasan la mayor parte de su tiempo pensando en acciones que quieren comprar sin tener en cuenta cuándo vender. Antes de entrar en el mercado, es necesario saber de antemano cuándo salir, esperemos que con un beneficio. 8220Playing por ear8221 no es una estrategia de venta, ni es la esperanza. Como comerciante de día, you8217ll establecer un precio objetivo, así como un tiempo objetivo. 8. Mantenga un diario de todos sus oficios Muchos pros jura por su diario, donde guardan los expedientes de todas sus operaciones que ganan y que pierden. Escribir lo que has hecho bien o mal, te ayudará a mejorar como comerciante, que es tu objetivo principal. No es de sorprender que probablemente aprendan más de sus perdedores que sus ganadores. 9. Práctica día de comercio en una cuenta de papel de comercio Aunque no todo el mundo está de acuerdo en que la práctica de comercio es importante, puede ser beneficioso para algunos comerciantes. Si abre una cuenta de práctica, asegúrese de negociar con una cantidad de dinero realista. It8217s no es útil para practicar el comercio con un millón de dólares si lo más que tiene en su cuenta es de 30.000. Además, si practicas el comercio, piensa en ello como un ejercicio educativo, no como un juego. 10. Nunca actúe en las extremidades de fuentes desinformadas La mayoría de los pros saben que la señal de la compra o de la venta basada en extremidades de los conocidos desinformados casi siempre conducirá a los comercios malos. Saber qué acciones comprar no es suficiente. Usted también tiene que saber cuándo vender, y para entonces el tipster ha desaparecido hace tiempo. ¿Por qué muchos comerciantes de Forex pierden siempre su parte de dinero? 13. No aprender a negociar los gráficos diarios primero Ser un gran defensor de centrar los esfuerzos de análisis de mercado one8217s en los gráficos diarios. Creo que los marcos de tiempo más bajos tienen un montón de precio al azar 8220noise8221 y dan una imagen mucho más difícil de interpretar de la estructura general del mercado que las cartas diarias. No veo ningún problema en el comercio de las cartas 4hr o 1hr, pero recomiendo a todos los comerciantes aprender a dominar las cartas diarias en primer lugar. 14. Pensar que el mercado está mal El mercado, sin embargo, nunca es correcto o incorrecto simplemente es. Si un comerciante está perdiendo el dinero que negocia una modernidad o una acción particular, entonces ese comerciante es incorrecto, no el mercado. 15. Con la esperanza de enriquecerse rápidamente Este tipo de punto abarca a los demás en que si usted está sobre-negociando, arriesgando demasiado, o haciendo alguna de las otras cosas discutidas aquí, simplemente está siendo codicioso y tratando de ganar tanto dinero como Tan rápido como puedas Bueno, el hecho de que el comercio es que el 8220harder8221 intenta ganar dinero y más se siente una necesidad de ganar dinero en los mercados, lo peor que probablemente va a hacer. FOREX Trading requiere una mentalidad clara y relajada, que no le importa si gana, pierde o empata, porque sabe que durante un período de tiempo determinado ganará dinero si negocia de una manera disciplinada y controlada. La mayoría de los comerciantes se ensucian después de que entren en sus operaciones por la intromisión con sus objetivos y se detiene o añadir a las posiciones innecesariamente. Una de mis filosofías comerciales es simplemente 8220set y forget8221 sus oficios, porque siempre va a ser el más objetivo y claro de mente antes de entrar en un comercio en lugar de cuando el comercio está en vivo. 17. Los juegos de azar en lugar de negociar Por los juegos de azar me refiero a la negociación sin un borde probado de alta probabilidad de negociación. Muchos comerciantes se quejan de perder dinero y aún así no tienen realmente una estrategia comercial definible. En pocas palabras, si usted no sabe exactamente lo que está buscando en el mercado que nunca va a hacer dinero de manera consistente, o en absoluto. 18. Decisiones al azar / Ninguna consistencia El mercado va o va a moverse hacia arriba y hacia abajo, así que si usted toma una conjetura educada usted debe poder hacer el dinero. Bueno para aquellos que han probado esto sin duda ha descubierto que la falta de coherencia en el comercio no es lucrativo. Seguro que el mercado sólo puede moverse en una dirección, pero por cuánto tiempo antes de que se invierte. Usted recibe un montón de días en los que el mercado se moverá hacia arriba, hacia abajo, hacia atrás y hacia abajo de nuevo. ¿Cuántas veces su parada se han disparado persiguiendo el precio alrededor de este modo sería super frustrante. La mayoría de la gente encuentra Forex trading muy atractivo porque le da a una persona un control completo, rompiendo todas las reglas de su vida cotidiana. Desafortunadamente, el mercado Forex requiere reglas, estructura y consistencia a un nivel aún más intenso que su vida cotidiana. Tan si you8217re que mira para funcionar 8220rule free8221, negociar entonces no es probablemente para usted. 19. Comercio bajo la emoción Ya hablamos de que el comercio es el último reto psicológico de la vida. Muchos de los participantes del mercado son humanos aparte de todos los algoritmos comerciales, por lo que el mercado es una máquina psicológica gigante. Si exhibes debilidad emocional, el mercado explotará tus emociones y las usará contra ti, tomando tu dinero ganado. Una gran cantidad de comerciantes asumir el comercio de Forex porque quieren utilizarlo para solucionar algún problema financiero subyacente en su vida, o simplemente quiere generar dinero rápido. Negociar por las razones equivocadas lo hará vulnerable a los errores alimentados emocionalmente porque usted tiene 8220 mucho en juego8221. 20. No Experiencia Como cualquier otra profesión, Forex es algo que lleva tiempo. Usted puede esperar a caminar en un trabajo, inexperto, y espera ser promovido al encargado el día siguiente. Forex requiere una fase de aprendizaje esencial para acondicionarse y para construir una mentalidad compatible para los mercados. El comercio es probablemente diferente a cualquier cosa que haya experimentado. Tu día a día no te prepara para ello. La lógica aprendida del mundo exterior puede ser aplicada con éxito a los mercados, los dos simplemente no mezclan. Antes de lanzar grandes cantidades de sus ahorros a los mercados, asegúrese de tener una buena dosis de experiencia primero. 21. Tratando de entender demasiadas cosas / sobre la complicación Si usted hace su comercio complicado, entonces terminará convirtiéndose en un vegetal. Hay una gran cantidad de sistemas comerciales por ahí, y la mayoría de ellos son demasiado intensos. Demasiados de estos sistemas traen todas estas variables extra externas en los gráficos. Cosas como indicadores, asesores expertos, cifras económicas u otras herramientas de comercio. Todos los datos adicionales en su gráfico hacen que el sistema sea confuso, abrumador y frustrante. Múltiples variables a menudo en conflicto entre sí, por lo que cuanto más trae, el análisis de gráfico más difícil se convierte. 22. No aceptar que perder es parte de ganar Muchos comerciantes parecen tener una capacidad innata de no querer aceptar que perder es parte del juego de la negociación. Tienden a poner la culpa en el mercado, en su corredor, en no tener suficiente dinero en sus cuentas, o cualquier número de otras razones. El simple hecho de la materia es que usted va a perder comercios no importa qué usted lo hace. Por lo tanto, es mejor aprender a aceptar esto desde el principio, abrazarlo, y averiguar una manera de incorporar la pérdida en su plan de comercio. Usted puede perder 8220successfully8221 al aprender a tomar pequeñas pérdidas en relación con sus recompensas, nunca mover su parada más allá de su entrada, y siempre el comercio con una pérdida de parada. Por lo general, no hay necesidad de entrometerse en sus operaciones. Si ha predefinido su riesgo, entonces debería estar bien con la pérdida de esa cantidad de dinero, deje que el comercio jugar a golpear su pérdida de parada predefinida o moverse en beneficio. Usted necesita hacer su trabajo antes de entrar en el mercado, no después. Lamentablemente, esta lista cubre sólo una fracción de la multitud de errores cometidos por los comerciantes de divisas. Esperamos que esta lista sea útil para usted, y esperamos trabajar con usted durante mucho tiempo. ¿Por qué muchos comerciantes de Forex pierden siempre su dinero Parte 1 Su comúnmente conocido que la mayoría de los comerciantes de divisas no. De hecho, se estima que el 96 por ciento de los comerciantes de divisas pierden dinero y terminan renunciando. Para ayudarle a estar en ese elusivo 4 por ciento de los comerciantes ganadores, he compilado una lista de las razones más comunes por las que los comerciantes de divisas pierden dinero. Let8217s estudiar y aprender todas las razones enumeradas aquí. 1. Bajo inicio de capital Usted debe tener algo de dinero para hacer algo de dinero. Es posible para usted para generar retornos excepcionales sobre el capital limitado en el corto plazo. Sin embargo, con sólo una pequeña cantidad de capital y riesgo excesivo, usted se encontrará emocional con cada oscilación del mercado y saltar dentro y fuera y los peores momentos posibles. 2. Falta de gestión del riesgo La gestión del riesgo es clave para la supervivencia. Usted puede ser un comerciante muy cualificado y todavía ser aniquilado por la gestión de riesgo deficiente. Su trabajo número uno no es obtener ganancias, sino proteger lo que tiene. A medida que su capital se agota, su capacidad para obtener ganancias se pierde. Algunos comerciantes son codiciosos. Ellos sienten que necesitan exprimir cada pip último de un movimiento porque hay dinero que se hacen todos los días. Tratar de agarrar cada último pip antes de que un par de divisas se convierta puede configurar para perder el comercio rentable en el que se está sentando. 4. Indecisive Trading A veces se puede encontrar sufriendo de comercio de remordimiento. Esto sucede cuando un comercio que se abre no es inmediatamente rentable, y empezar a decir a sí mismo que eligió la dirección equivocada, y luego cerrar su comercio y revertirlo, sólo para ver el mercado volver en la dirección inicial que eligió. 5. Tratar de recoger las tapas o fondos Muchos comerciantes nuevos tratan de elegir puntos de cambio en pares de divisas. Colocarán un comercio en un par, y mientras que continúa el ir en la dirección incorrecta, continúan agregando a su posición que es seguro que está a punto de dar vuelta alrededor esta vez. Si el comercio de esta manera, al final se termina con mucha más exposición de lo que planeaba, y un comercio terriblemente negativo. 6. Rechazando ser malo Algunos comercios apenas no trabajan hacia fuera. Su naturaleza humana quiere estar en lo cierto, pero a veces simplemente no estamos. Como un comerciante, a veces tienes que simplemente estar equivocado y seguir adelante, en lugar de aferrarse a la idea de estar en lo cierto y terminar con una cuenta soplada. 7. Comprar un sistema Hay muchos sistemas de comercio de divisas para la venta en Internet. Algunos comerciantes están ahí fuera buscando el siempre elusivo sistema de comercio de Forex 100 por ciento exacta. Siguen comprando sistemas y probándolos hasta que finalmente renuncian a decidir que no hay manera de ganar. Este es bastante auto-explicativo, pero it8217s también probablemente la razón número uno por qué muchos comerciantes de divisas no pueden hacer dinero en los mercados. Si usted está negociando con demasiada frecuencia, va a agotar su cuenta de comercio muy rápido. Sólo tiene que entrar en las configuraciones de comercio de alta probabilidad y tener la paciencia de esperar por ellos. 9. No tener en cuenta todos los 3 elementos de un comercio Los elementos de un comercio Hay tres elementos igualmente esenciales para cada comercio, cada uno igualmente importante para el éxito a largo plazo de un comerciante. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los comerciantes nuevos y fracasados ​​sólo prestan atención a uno, o como máximo dos de estos elementos. Los tres elementos de cada operación son los siguientes: (1) entrada (el precio al cual se introduce la operación), (2) stop (el precio al que se sale la operación por una pérdida) y (3) objetivo (el precio En la que se sale del comercio con fines de lucro). Los tres son igualmente importantes para el éxito del comerciante, pero la mayoría de los nuevos comerciantes sólo prestan atención a la entrada, y tal vez la parada. Ahora que hemos discutido qué paradas son y cómo deben colocarse, debemos discutir otro error importante cometido por los nuevos operadores cuando se trata de sus paradas. Nadie le gusta estar equivocado, y nadie le gusta perder, pero por desgracia, tanto estar equivocado y perder son una parte importante de ser un comerciante de divisas. El problema que los nuevos comerciantes (e incluso algunos comerciantes más experimentados) encuentran a menudo es que dejan su aversión a ser mal y perder interfieren con sus configuraciones comerciales. Si un comerciante establece su parada correctamente, en el nivel de invalidación de su configuración de comercio, nunca debe haber ninguna razón para mover la parada. 11. Riesgo demasiado por el comercio Este también es bastante auto-explicativo. Pero, una y otra vez los comerciantes soplan hacia fuera sus cuentas que negocian porque 8220charged up8221 en un comercio que eran 8220sure8221 alrededor. La verdad es que nunca se sabe con certeza qué oficios ganará y qué oficios perderá, incluso si tiene una estrategia de negociación de alta probabilidad y siga religiosamente. Por esta razón, es crítico que usted maneje con eficacia su riesgo en CADA solo comercio que usted toma. Eventualmente, si está manejando su riesgo de manera efectiva en cada comercio y utilizando una estrategia de negociación de alta probabilidad, ganará dinero con el tiempo. 12. No tener / no seguir un plan de comercio Un plan de negociación es esencial para todos los comerciantes, nuevos y viejos. Un plan de comercio debe establecer no sólo las configuraciones del comerciante se verá en el comercio, sino también la estrategia de gestión de riesgos del comerciante. Por ejemplo, un plan de negociación debe incluir objetivos semanales, mensuales y trimestrales, la cantidad máxima de capital que un comerciante está dispuesto a perder en una semana, un mes o trimestre determinado, las parejas que un comerciante estará negociando, el número máximo de operaciones Comerciante tomará en un momento, lo que él o ella está buscando, cuánto están dispuestos a arriesgar, y cuánto están mirando para hacer. Y cualquier otra cosa que pueda ser importante para el éxito del comerciante. Los planes de comercio don8217t necesidad de ser demasiado complicado, pero tienen que ser creado y seguido. ¿Cuánto dinero puedo hacer como un comerciante de día ¿Cuánto dinero puedo hacer como un comerciante de día 8211 Aquí we8217ll mirar el potencial de ingresos de acciones, divisas Y los comerciantes del día de los futuros. Let8217s frente a él, esto es lo que los comerciantes y los comerciantes potenciales quieren saber82118220Cuánto dinero puedo hacer como un día trader8221 Obviamente hay una gama masiva de potencial de ingresos cuando se trata de comerciantes de día. Es muy posible que algunas personas todavía tendrá que trabajar en otro trabajo, pero logran sacar un poco de dinero del mercado cada mes a través del día de comercio. Hay los que pueden vivir cómodamente en lo que hacen el día que negocia, y hay el porcentaje pequeño que hará mucho. También hay un gran grupo de comerciantes que quieren ser que fracasarán. Y nunca hacen ningún dinero. Cuánto dinero usted hace como un comerciante del día está determinado en gran parte por: Qué mercado usted negocia. Cada mercado tiene diferentes ventajas. Las acciones son generalmente la clase de activo más intensiva en capital, por lo que si se negocia con otra clase de activos, como futuros o divisas, generalmente puede comenzar a cotizar con menos capital. Cuánto dinero usted comienza con. Si usted comienza a operar con 2.000 su potencial de ingresos (en dólares) es mucho menos que alguien que comienza con 20.000. Cuánto tiempo dedicas a tu educación comercial. Para crear ingresos consistentes día de comercio 8211 donde usted tiene un sólido plan de comercio y son capaces de implementar it8211 probablemente tendrá un año o más si se dedica a él a tiempo completo. Si sólo practica a tiempo parcial, puede tomar un número de años para desarrollar consistencia real y alcanzar el tipo de rendimiento que se discute a continuación. Tu potencial de ingresos también está determinado por tu personalidad (eres disciplinado y paciente) y las estrategias que usas. Estas cuestiones no son nuestro enfoque aquí. Si desea estrategias de comercio, tutoriales comerciales o artículos sobre la psicología comercial puede visitar la página Tutoriales de comercio, o echa un vistazo a mi eBook Guía de estrategias de Forex. El potencial de ingresos también se basa en la volatilidad del mercado. Los escenarios a continuación asumen un cierto número de operaciones cada día, con un cierto riesgo y potencial de ganancias. En condiciones de mercado muy lento puede encontrar menos operaciones de lo discutido, pero en condiciones de mercado activo puede encontrar más operaciones. Con el tiempo, el promedio de los saldos de las operaciones, pero en cualquier día, semana o mes, podría tener más o menos oficios que el promedio que afectará los ingresos de ese mes. Ahora, vamos a pasar por algunos escenarios para responder a la pregunta, 8220Cuánto dinero puedo hacer como un comerciante de día Para todos los escenarios, asumiré que nunca se arriesgan más de 1 de su cuenta en un solo comercio. Riesgo es la pérdida potencial en un negocio, definida como la diferencia entre el precio de entrada y el precio de stop loss, multiplicado por el número de unidades del activo que toma (denominado tamaño de posición). No hay ninguna razón para arriesgar más de 1 de su cuenta. Como voy a mostrar, incluso con mantener el riesgo bajo (1 o menos por comercio) que potencialmente puede ganar altos retornos. Los números a continuación se basan puramente en los modelos matemáticos, y no están destinados a indicar que va a hacer mucho, ni indicar esto es lo mucho que hago. Los números a continuación se deben considerar el extremo muy alto de lo que hacen los comerciantes de día, con el promedio de caer muy por debajo de los rendimientos mensuales que se examinan a continuación. Los números a continuación se utilizan para mostrar el potencial, pero no se pretende que reflejen los retornos típicos. Como se indica en el primer párrafo, la mayoría de los comerciantes fracasan. ¿Cuánto dinero puedo hacer las existencias de día de comercio? Las existencias de comercio de día es probablemente el más conocido mercado de comercio de día, pero también es el más capital intensivo. En los Estados Unidos debe tener por lo menos 25.000 en su cuenta de comercio de día, de lo contrario can8217t comercio (ver: ¿Cuánto dinero necesito para convertirse en un comerciante de día). Para permanecer por encima de este umbral, el fondo de su cuenta con más de 25.000. Suponga que empieza a operar con 30.000. Utiliza el apalancamiento 4: 1, lo que le da 120.000 en poder de compra (4 x 30.000). Usted utiliza una estrategia que le hace 0.21 en comercios que ganan y usted pierde 0.12 en comercios perdidosos. Con el deslizamiento. O ser forzado a salir de algunos oficios a principios de debido a las noticias que salen o el mercado de cierre, let8217s asumir en el transcurso de un mes su promedio de ganar el comercio en realidad termina siendo de 0,20 y su perdedor promedio termina siendo 0,13. Con una cuenta de 30.000, lo más absoluto que puede el riesgo en cada comercio es de 300 (1 de 30.000). Puesto que su pérdida de la parada es 0.12, usted puede tomar un tamaño de la posición de 2.300 partes (la acción tendrá que ser tasada debajo de 50 para tomar este tamaño de la posición, si no usted won8217t tiene bastante poder de compra). Para obtener esos tipos de estadísticas de un comercio, es probable que necesite cambiar las acciones que son 30, con cierta volatilidad y un montón de volumen (consulte Cómo encontrar acciones volátiles para el comercio de día). Un buen sistema de comercio ganará 50 del tiempo. Usted promedio de 5 operaciones por día, por lo que si usted tiene 20 días de negociación en un mes, usted hace 100 operaciones al mes. 50 de ellos eran rentables: 50 x 0,20 x 2300 acciones 23,000 50 de ellos no eran rentables: 50 x 0,13 x 2300 acciones (14,950) Usted netos 8.050, pero todavía tiene comisiones y, posiblemente, algunas otras tasas. Si bien esto es probable que en la gama alta, asumir su costo por comercio es de 20 (total, para entrar y salir). Sus costos de comisión son: 100 transacciones x 20 2000. Si usted paga por su plataforma de cartografía / trading, o intercambia los derechos, entonces esos cargos se agregan también. Por lo tanto, con una estrategia de negociación de acciones decente día, y 30.000 (apalancado en 4: 1), puede hacer aproximadamente: 8,050 8211 2000 6.050 / mes o alrededor de un retorno mensual de 20. Recuerde, usted está utilizando realmente cerca de 100.000 a 120.000 en poder de compra en cada comercio (no apenas 30.000). Esto es simplemente una fórmula matemática, y requeriría encontrar una acción donde usted podría hacer esta recompensa: cociente de riesgo cinco veces al día. Eso podría resultar difícil. Además, usted está muy apalancado, y existe la posibilidad de una pérdida catastrófica si una acción en la que moverse agresivamente contra usted y su pérdida de paro se hizo ineficaz. Usted podría hacer frente a un importante perder o incluso perder toda su cuenta donde el precio para mover incluso varios puntos porcentuales contra usted (incapaz de salir en el punto de salida planificada). ¿Cuánto dinero puedo hacer futuros de día de comercio Para el comercio de un contrato de futuros E-mini SampP 500 debe tener por lo menos 7.500 en su cuenta de operaciones de futuros. Eso le permitirá negociar un contrato con un stop loss razonable y aún así solo riesgo 1 de capital (vea Mínimo Capital Requerido para Futuros Comerciales). Let8217s suponer que tiene 15.000 para iniciar su cuenta de comercio. Una vez más sólo se arriesga 1 de su capital, o 150, en cualquier comercio. Cada tick8211 el movimiento más pequeño8211 en un contrato de E-mini SampP 500 da como resultado una pérdida / ganancia de 12.50. Si usted arriesga hasta 150 en cada comercio, eso significa que usted puede negociar 2 contratos y el riesgo 6 señales en cada comercio para un riesgo total de 150. Su riesgo es 6 señales, y usted intentará hacer 9 señales. Por supuesto, a veces tenemos que salir de un comercio un poco temprano, así que supongamos que el ganador promedio sólo termina siendo 8 ticks, y la pérdida promedio es de 5 ticks. Un triunfo de 8 ticks es de 100 para cada contrato. Una pérdida de 5 ticks es 62.5 por cada contrato. Un buen sistema de comercio ganará 50 del tiempo. Suponga que promedio 5 operaciones por día, así que si usted tiene 20 días de negociación en un mes, usted hace 100 operaciones al mes. 50 de ellos eran rentables: 50 x 100 x 2 contratos 10.000 50 de ellos no eran rentables: 50 x 62,5 x 2 contratos (6250) Usted hace 3750, pero todavía tiene comisiones y posiblemente otros honorarios. Su costo por transacción es de 5 / contrato (ida y vuelta). Sus costos de comisión son: 100 operaciones x 5 x 2 contratos 1000. Si usted paga por su plataforma de cartografía / comercio, o permisos de intercambio agregar los honorarios también (plataforma de negociación recomendada para el comercio de futuros es NinjaTrader). Por lo tanto, con una estrategia de comercio de día de futuros decente, y una cuenta de 15.000, puede hacer aproximadamente: 3750- 1000 2750 / mes o alrededor de un retorno mensual de 18. Esto es simplemente una fórmula matemática, y requeriría encontrar cinco oficios al día que ofrecen esta recompensa: el riesgo. Eso podría resultar difícil. Además, usted está muy apalancado, y hay una posibilidad de pérdida catastrófica si un mercado en el que moverse agresivamente contra usted y su pérdida de parada se convirtió en ineficaz. Usted podría hacer frente a un importante perder o incluso perder toda su cuenta donde el precio para mover incluso varios puntos porcentuales contra usted (incapaz de salir en el punto de salida planificada). ¿Cuánto dinero puedo hacer Day Trading Forex Forex es el mercado menos intensivo en capital para el comercio. El apalancamiento hasta 50: 1 (más alto en algunos países) significa que usted puede abrir una cuenta para tan poco como 100. Yo don8217t recomiendo esto. Si quieres ganar dinero, comienza con al menos 3000. Sólo el riesgo 1 de su capital. Cada pip de movimiento en el mercado de divisas resulta en una ganancia / pérdida de 10 si cambia un lote estándar (100.000 en moneda). Cada pip con un mini lote (10.000 en moneda) vale 1. Cada pip con un lote micro (1.000 en moneda) vale 0,10. El valor 8220Pip 8221 varía en función del par de divisas que está negociando, pero las cifras anteriores se aplican al EUR / USD, que es el par de divisas recomendado para el comercio de día. Suponga que su estrategia limita el riesgo a 8 pips, intenta hacer 13 pips en los ganadores y tiene una cuenta de 5.000. Con 8 pips de riesgo se puede negociar 6 mini lots8211que equivale a 48 de riesgo por comercio. Esto es menor que su riesgo máximo de 50 (1 de 5.000). Un triunfo de 13 pip es de 13 por cada mini lote. Una pérdida de 8 pip es de 8 por cada mini lote. Un buen sistema de comercio ganará 50 del tiempo. Promedio 5 operaciones por día, así que si usted tiene 20 días de negociación en un mes, usted hace 100 operaciones. 60 de ellos fueron rentables: 50 x 13 x 6 mini lotes 3900 40 de ellos no fueron rentables: 50 x 8 x 6 lotes mini (2400) Si día de comercio de divisas, utilice un corredor ECN. Los corredores ECN ofrecen los diferenciales más ajustados, lo que a su vez facilita el alcance de sus objetivos. Las comisiones con un buen corredor de ECN correrán entre 0,3 y 0,5 por cada viaje de ida y vuelta por mini lote. Por lo tanto, los costos de comisión son de 100 comercios x 6 micro lotes x 0.5 300. Por lo tanto, con una estrategia de día de divisas decente y una cuenta de 5.000, puede hacer aproximadamente: 1500 8211 300 1200 / mes o 24 de retorno mensual. Una vez más esto puede parecer extremadamente alto, pero en realidad está utilizando 60.000 en capital para generar ese retorno. Su tamaño de posición es de 6 mini lotes, que es de 60.000. Por lo tanto, para lograr ese retorno se requiere un apalancamiento de al menos 12: 1. Su retorno de su propio capital es muy alto, pero su retorno sobre el poder adquisitivo (60.000) es un regreso mensual más modesto. El apalancamiento es muy potente. Esto es simplemente una fórmula matemática, y requeriría encontrar cinco oficios al día que ofrecen esta recompensa: el riesgo. Eso podría resultar difícil. Además, usted está muy apalancado, y hay una posibilidad de pérdida catastrófica si un mercado en el que moverse agresivamente contra usted y su pérdida de parada se convirtió en ineficaz. Usted podría hacer frente a un importante perder o incluso perder toda su cuenta donde el precio para mover incluso varios puntos porcentuales contra usted (incapaz de salir en el punto de salida planificada). Todos los escenarios, y el potencial de ingresos, están asumiendo que usted es uno de los pocos comerciantes de día que alcanza este nivel y puede ganarse la vida de los mercados. Al principio del artículo se declaró que un gran grupo de comerciantes de día fallo sólo 8 de las personas que intentan día de comercio será incluso rentable. Los comerciantes muy rentables será un porcentaje mucho más pequeño. Cada mercado utiliza diferentes cantidades de capital, por lo que considero que un mercado es mejor que la antera basándose únicamente en los retornos en dólares. La distinción principal es simplemente que para involucrarse en acciones que necesita más capital, y que necesita menos para empezar con forex. El comercio de futuros cae en el medio. Todos son grandes y rentables mercados si encuentra una estrategia que le permite replicar las estadísticas discutidas anteriormente. Las cifras exactas no importan por ejemplo una pérdida de parada de 0,12 y un objetivo de 0,18. Básicamente, sólo quiere asegurarse de que sus victorias son más grandes que sus pérdidas y que necesita para ganar casi siempre como pierde. Tenga en cuenta que puede compaginar perpetuamente su cuenta en estas declaraciones. La mayoría de los comerciantes de día de comercio con una cantidad determinada de capital y retirar todas las ganancias por encima y por encima de esa cantidad cada mes. Para entender por qué, por favor lea Why Day Traders Hacer Grandes Retornos Pero Millonarios Aren8217t. Contiene información importante sobre la gestión de las expectativas y la creación de riqueza. Conecte números diferentes en los escenarios anteriores y verá formas infinitas de intercambios 8230 y cambios muy pequeños pueden tener un enorme impacto en la rentabilidad. Los escenarios están configurados para que sólo gane un poco más de lo que pierde, y sus operaciones ganadoras son sólo un poco más grandes que sus operaciones perdidas. En el mundo real, que es típicamente cómo día de comercio va. El problema es que la mayoría de los comerciantes pueden manejar la pérdida de 40 a 45 del tiempo. Ellos piensan que están haciendo algo mal y siguen cambiando las estrategias. Este constante flip-flopping de estrategias de resultados en la pérdida aún más a menudo. Mantener la disciplina, mantener sus victorias un poco más grandes que sus pérdidas, y tratar de ganar 50 de sus operaciones. Haga esto, y usted puede ensamblar las filas pequeñas de comerciantes acertados. Ganar 50 de las veces no es tan fácil como parece, y tal vez no pueda encontrar 5 transacciones válidas por día en todas las condiciones del mercado, como en los ejemplos. Espere variación en sus ingresos de mes a mes. Y también darse cuenta de que cuando se utiliza el apalancamiento que tiene una posibilidad muy real de experimentar una pérdida catastrófica. Pare las pérdidas aren8217t siempre eficaz, y usted podría perder más dinero que usted depositó con su corredor si el mercado se mueve significativamente contra usted antes de que usted pueda salir del comercio. Más de 300 páginas de conceptos básicos de Forex y 20 estrategias de Forex para beneficiarse en el mercado Forex de 24 horas al día. Esto no es sólo un libro electrónico, es un curso para construir su habilidad de comercio paso a paso. Sígueme en el corymitc de Twitter y echa un vistazo a nuestra página de Facebook. Cory Mitchell, CMT dice: FOR DAY TRADING: Probablemente experimentar problemas antes de estos límites sin embargo. Su corredor puede imponer un límite de negociación de día en sus posiciones, y si don8217t, usted experimentará problemas de liquidez más grandes serán sus posiciones. En el S038P 500 Emini puede intercambiar fácilmente de 10 a 30 contratos a la vez. A medida que empiece a crecer (e incluso en el rango de contrato de 10 a 30) comenzará a obtener parcialmente lleno de sus operaciones ganadoras, pero siempre recibirá todos los contratos en un comercio de perder. Entonces, ¿cuántos contratos que negocie sin afectar negativamente su propio desempeño dependerá de la estrategia, el mercado de futuros que se negocie, si agrega o elimina liquidez y si acumula / deshace posiciones en múltiples niveles o sólo uno. Pero en un contrato de liquidez como el S038P 500 Emini usted puede intercambiar fácilmente de 10 a 20 contratos. 30, se está convirtiendo en un jugador más grande y probablemente notará la degradación del rendimiento (de nuevo, dependerá de las variables mencionadas anteriormente). Por encima de los contratos de 40/50, la forma de gestionar sus posiciones (entrar y salir de ellas) es tanto un factor como la estrategia que utiliza la gestión de la posición se convierte en una estrategia en sí misma. SWING TRADING: el tamaño de las posiciones es menos de un factor al mantener sus operaciones durante varios días porque tiene más tiempo para acumular y descargar posiciones. Aquí, es su capital que tapa su tamaño de la posición. Quiero comenzar a operar pero no tengo una cuenta de trading todavía, pero mi pregunta es cuando establezco una cuenta de trading hasta cuál es la cantidad de dinero que puedo poner en mi cuenta comercial donde puedo empezar a hacer una buena cantidad de dinero . thanks is it possible to eventually make a living with starting capital of 5000 or have most full time traders started with much more I don8217t need a time frame I8217m just curious to know if it8217s even possible. Cory Mitchell, CMT says: You can eventually make a living off that. If you live in a cheaper country, you can even make a living off just the 5000. If you make 20 a month (less than described above), you either make 1000/month, or you can continue to grow your capital until you reach an income level you are comfortable with. This does take time though8212expect to practice for at least 6 months to a year before you start to see profitable returns in a demo account. Then another few months to acclimatize yourself to trading with real money. And most trades fail8230more than 95 of those who attempt it. So it is possible, but not common. I have a 5000 account to start with. Is it possible to one day make a living from trading or does this only happen when people start with 20, 30, 40k since they can make more Good write up. I haven8217t been able to replicate these results in my own trading, but I can see how these figures are possible once a person finds consistency and develops a solid plan for catching fluctuations. btw, the reason why I suggest in stocks one can make more when daytrading is because of more abundant opportunities with news driven and/or momentum events, no For example, this guy averages 2 / day on a small account because he can get on the right side of momentum. twitter/madaznfootballr This is different than pattern and momentum trading on FX or futures, which seems less predictable (more computer algo dominated) and less opportunistic to me. Cory Mitchell, CMT says: I prefer boring any day. I trade the trends that occur, and step aside for news events (only entering after into normal trend trades). My bread and butter is being able to trade everyday boring moves. That8217s just me. For some people, there may be more opportunity in some markets than others, but for me, I do the exact same thing no matter what market I trade, so the results are pretty much exactly the same. I do trade big momentum moves as they occur in forex, stocks and futures. Some days are bigger, but that is just what the market provides, and not a function of the market I am trading. All markets provide ample opportunity (way more than any trader can take advantage of). Of course, each person trades in their own way, so if they have a strategy that works on stock-based news events, but nothing else, then they should trade stocks. But I can only speak for me. I focus on boring everyday trends, which makes how I trade fairly universal across markets, and not much changes when I switch from one market to another8230except that stocks require a lot more capital for the same return I get elsewhere. Don8217t dismiss a market just because you don8217t know how to trade it, or haven8217t met someone who trades it (called availability bias). Your objections are hearsay, from people who haven8217t mastered that market. I should also point out that I could care less if I am trading against all algos. That is a journalist-created demon, which really doesn8217t affect a solid and adaptable trader in the least. It8217s all just buy and selling8230just like it always has been. If you talked to forex traders, they will say that trading forex is great. If you talk to futures traders they will say trading futures is great. All these markets exist because people succeed at trading them (while the mast majority lose). Whether you trade stocks, forex or futures, your odds or success are the same (low), but that doesn8217t change the fact that there are loads of traders in each that make money consistently. By all means trade stocks if you like them. But forex and futures are also viable options. Put 6 months to a year of hard work into any market, and your odds of success are the same, and your income likely will be as well. Have traded all three markets, profitably, for multiple years, I can say that without question. The only difference is the capital you need to trade them (and a few details like trading hours, etc). I mostly focus on forex because it is the easiest market to get into for the everyday person who doesn8217t have a lot of capital to work with. But that said, trade what interests you most. I agree that the good traders stay silent. Thanks for your knowledgeable response. I just still disagree with your analysis of returns possible in FX and futures. No way anyone can consistently pull out 15-20 per month. If they could, they would be managing a successful, small hedge fund and the world would know about it. The only place anyone can consistently pull out those returns with reasonable R/R is with small accounts in small to midcap equities. Or MAYBE a combo of FX, futures, and equities, but primarily in equities. I just think you should be steering newer traders away from FX and futures if possible since it is way harder to find trades with context and tempting to overtrade. Technical trading alone in FX and futures can still lead to big drawdowns. And how could any new trader expect to compete with algos anyway Cory Mitchell, CMT says: Agreed, returns like this are limited to smaller accounts8230typically under 100,000 for futures and forex which are highly leveraged markets (at least in my case). I discuss this in Why Day Traders Make Big Returns But Aren8217t Millionaires: vantagepointtrading/archives/17125. In my case, since I mostly focus on forex (and occasionally futures) I actually don8217t have much use for more than 70,000 when day trading (but I use more because I am swing trading/investing etc.). Day trading with more than that and my profits stay the same or start to drop as more capital is added. So you are correct, as soon as large sums of money (hedge fund) are involved, the returns drop because it becomes harder to find liquidity and great trades with more capital 8230but my focus here is the individual trader, who CAN make seemingly high returns. Day trading most of these markets since 2005, the forex market has by far been the most lucrative for me (in terms of returns). There is so much money passing back and forth that based on my strategies it seems to be the easiest to day trade. Stocks I also like, but the lack of leverage can SOMETIMES make ideal position sizing impossible (as I always risk 1 of my capital per trade). Futures are also good, and another market I really like because of the inherent leverage in them. But I disagree on steering traders away from futures and FX. If you know what you are looking for, these are more lucrative markets, because much less capital can be utilized effectively. Having traded all these markets8211and I only day trade for 2 hours a day, in the US morning8211I typically find the same number of trades in each, and the reward/risk on the trades are typically the same. So with pretty much everything being equal, I choose forex or futures because they are more accessible to the person starting out with a smaller bankroll. The Small or midcap equities doesn8217t matter8230if you are risking 1 and using a similar risk/reward parameter on your trade, it doesn8217t matter if you trade a penny stock or a 500 stock. YOu lose 1 or make 1.5 or 3 either way. I don8217t really understand the drawdown argument. Every trade is capped at a 1 risk (slippage has never been an issue in 11 years of trading because I don8217t trade during news or against momentum), and daily risk is capped at 3 (not discussed in this article but discussed in Daily Stop Loss: vantagepointtrading/archives/10685 ). So you need to be losing all trades and not winning any to see any significant drawdown8230and since our winners are bigger than losers it takes less winners to make back the loss. So with a good strategy drawdowns are minimal, and in a worst case scenario it is a VERY slow capital drain, but if this is happening the trader can hopefully work on finding the issue that is causing the drain in capital before it becomes significant. Once a trader has practiced a strategy thoroughly and is implementing it well, a more than 10 drawdown should VERY rare given the protocol discussed in this article. This stuff is not fantasy8230it just works with enough practice. Cory, thank you again for your diligent response. You are clearly passionate about this industry and about helping others. It is evident in your patient thought and articulate delivery. Less successful traders than you who would have quickly dismissed my first question and then arrogantly summarized my commitment and character. As I am sure you can sometimes gauge, your skeptics include aspiring traders who have become disenchanted by 8220educators8221 promising quick, easy profits. Some of these traders worked very hard and still failed. Although they must realize it requires 10K hours. I wish I would have engaged some good mentors early on. Most of my trading knowledge was built by observing and reading about every good trader I could find. Then, after about 6 years (I was with a full-time job), I implemented a strategy to generate consistent income from equities (80 winning days). Almost doubled my money until I got burnt out and lost control of my emotions. A bad trade w/ no stop started me on tilt, and in two weeks, I had managed to lose all profits. From that experience, I learned that good health is just as important as any trading strategy. I know it sounds wacky, but I believe in adrenal fatigue, and I think adrenaline does often flow during trading. But there are ways to effectively manage it. I did this while working a full-time job. It was always interesting trying to speak intelligently on an incoming call while managing an erratic position. Fortunately, I made that first hour of the day up to my boss Anyway, my family kind of lost faith in trading as income after that, or whether it was even healthy. Every good trader knows this is just another final step in the process to success (assuming you8217ve learned how to effectively manage emotions). After that experience, I even designed a strategy, position management and risk management application for IB API. 8K in programming expenses later, I couldn8217t use it as little money for an account. ha. But given that a vet like you says there are opportunities in every market, I believe it. I have recently taken an interest in futures. I8217ve found a few trustworthy mentors. I know you mentioned Daytrading Academy. My only concern with them is that I have not seen the lead traders offer any live trading statements (to tradingschoolsorg for example). Probably because they8217re so busy teaching Look forward to transferring some of my skills in equities to futures using a gentle approach that starts in demo Cory Mitchell, CMT says: Here is an article that discusses what you are talking about8230adrenaline fatigue8230although this article refers to it as self-control fatigue. A very real, physical/mental obstacle. Self-Control In Day Trading: The Biological Factors vantagepointtrading/archives/6112 As for The Day Trading Academy8230I have taken their course (I had already been a trader for 8 or 9 years, but knew some traders with the DTA and wanted to see what they were learning). I thought it was a great program. Although they trade in a similar fashion to me, so I liked that. Hi Cory. Your dedication to trading is admirable. That said, I have to call BS on your numbers of what8217s possible. They are grossly exaggerated. Please show us brokerages of any trader that can consistently generate even 20 / mo over a 2 year period. They mislead anyone who wants to be in the profession. Also, the potential in futures and forex is way lower due to the talent of those competing. Also more volatility opportunities in stocks. Cory Mitchell, CMT says: Don8217t take the stats out of context. This is what you can make, not what you will make. Maybe 1 to 4 of traders (who are really dedicated for more than a year. This stat doesn8217t include the thousands of people who decide to day trade on a whim) will make it to this level. Most people who attempt trading are never even profitable8230that is clearly stated with several links provided in the article to actual stats. This level is reserved for those who dedicate themselves not only to understanding the market, but understanding how to practice and how to control their personal tendencies. I have multiple articles on the site stating your chances at day trading success are slim based solely on the numbers. But if you are one of the ones who relentlessly dedicates themselves to honing their craft, then the math above simply works. This article is what you are striving for. It is possible, but it is reserved for those few put in the most work. The other 96 will always doubt. I have published statements and provided proof in the past on this site. No one cares, because seeing isn8217t doing. The doubters still doubted and bitched in the comments, and those who know it can be done or are successful traders themselves just nod, but know it is a useless fight trying to convince someone who doesn8217t believe. There is no upside in taking on that fight, so I no longer publish stats the exception is my paid investment newsletter (not day trading) which is up 39 YTD, plus a 5.75 dividend yield. Even if you decided it was possible, you would still need to put in the thousands of hours it takes to reach the level discussed in the article. And very few people that have determination. The people who work their asses off get there, and the other 96 don8217t. The few percent who do make it don8217t listen to the opinions of those who say it can8217t be done. Those who say it can8217t be done never reached that level, and aren8217t exactly credible sources on what it takes to make great returns. Although their opinions may be useful for what not to do. I feel it is important to tell people what is possible, otherwise the bar stays low. And in the financial industry it has been set VERY low. It has convinced people that a 5-10 per year is a good return on their hard earned money. That is just not good enough for me, and so I found ways to improve on that. Of course not everyone can make high returns8230high returns are always limited the those who work the hardest (so if don8217t want to do much work, then 5-10/year is what you should/will get). This goes for professional traders as well. All markets are good day trading markets. One isn8217t better than another. I personally prefer the forex market, but futures and stocks are also great. Volatility is nice, but doesn8217t matter. I like volatility and enjoy trading in it more, but ultimately position size is the equalizer in quieter markets a larger position can create the same risk/reward scenarios as a more volatile market. Realistic scenario, is that you will make no money for the first year or two. I say this because you should not be even using real money for the first few years. The real issue is you need a mentor and coach. Finding that is uber difficult. Most teachers make their money from teaching because they failed at trading. Any trader worth his weight in salt would not need a dime from a student. A good trader can pull money out of the market at will. A certain elite group. The rest are schmucks. Don8217t look for them on twitter or any web site, we do not advertise. we do not need it or want it. The proof is always in the pudding. screencast/t/xH8IBTnCt, thats one week work. Mind you I have been trading for 10 years. 4 with a teacher. Ardeshir Mehta says: Thanks for the excellent advice, Cory. I also realize that volatility these days is low compared to what it was a few years ago. But even making profits half as large as you say above would be absolutely fabulous for me. As I said, I can afford to put as much as 50,000 into my trading account. So I am really looking forward to reading your upcoming book and trying out a few of your recommended strategies 8211 first in a practice account and then in a real money account. (I use OANDA as my broker, and with OANDA I can trade even individual units, and am not restricted to mini lots or micro lots. And just FYI, I trade the EURUSD pair exclusively.) PS: Is there any indicator that gives a precise idea of how much daily volatility there has been in the past week, month or year I am just using my naked eyes and estimating the volatility, but if there were an indicator that gives actual figures I would very much like to use it. Ardeshir, you can get a load of information, such as average daily volatility, average volatility by hour of day, average volatility by day of week, and historic volatility comparisons on the Forex Daily Stats page: vantagepointtrading/daily-forex-stats. Some other stats as well (correlations aren8217t currently working I8217m working on that). You could also add an Average True Range (ATR) indicator to your chart. Set it to 14, and when looking at a daily chart, that will give you the average price movement per day over the last 14 days. Ardeshir Mehta says: Thank you, Cory. Yes, I understand now. To put it another way, with 5,000 in my account and 30:1 leverage, I8217d have 150,000 to trade with, and so I could easily set a trade worth 5 mini lots (equal to 5,000 units of the base currency 8211 in the case of EUR/USD, that would be 5,000EUR). The TRADE itself would be even larger than my entire account, but the RISK I would be taking taking if I were to lose any single trade should be only 50. Right If I am right, could I please ask you another question You wrote: Assume your strategy limits risk to 10 pips, and you attempt to make 17 pips. You find on average though at the end of the month that losses are actually 12 pips and winning trades are 16 pips. A good trading system will win 60 of the time. You averaged 5 trades per day, so if you have 20 trading days in a month, you made 100 trades. My question is, where can I find such a strategy / trading system I should very much like to try it, since it looks so very promising. I can easily afford to put 5,000 into an account. In fact, I could afford ten times that much. I have been trading for over a year and half now, and although I am successful, I am less than one-twentieth as successful as you are saying I COULD be. Correct. Except 5 mini lots would be 50,000, not 5,000. A mini is 10,000, a micro lot is 1,000. Either way, you8217re getting the idea. If you deposit 5000 you only risk 1 of it per trade, even though cost of the trade may actually be larger than what is in the account. See Position Sizing in Forex: vantagepointtrading/archives/2031 As for your other question: Finding 5 trades a day, equivalent to the above, is tough in our current environment (becoming less so, and there is always the option to trade multiple pairs or pair which just have a lot more volatility). While volatility is creeping back up, it is still below what it was back in 2012 and parts of 2013 for pairs like the GBPUSD and EURUSD. So when volatility is higher, consistently over 120 pips per day then the above scenario becomes more realistic. A lot of days we are only seeing 70-90 pip movement in these pairs, so finding 5 trades to make 17 pips on isn8217t as easy. Basically, when you look at 1 minute chart, you want to be able to see the price making runs of at least 20 pips before seeing a pullback, with some regularity (either direction). So right now, it8217s more like 1 to 3 trades per day (assuming only trading during the most volatile 3 or 4 hours of the day). But this changes over time. Back in 2009 when pairs where moving 400 or 500 pips some days potential was higher than what I have laid out here. So expectations MUST change with volatility. When a pair is moving 150 pips a day there is theoretically twice the potential as when it is moving 75 pips per day (currently, we are more toward the latter case). We can8217t force money out of the market, we can only take what it provides8230sometimes that is more and other times less. I will add a tidbit about that into the article. All this8211adapting to volatility, only trading during certain hours, which pairs to trade, how much money to trade with, and the strategies to use8211are all coming out in my new book. Should be available in the next few weeks on the website. vantagepointtrading/forex-day-trading-and-swing-trading-strategy-guide Ardeshir Mehta says: In your bit about 8220How Much Money Can I Make Day Trading Forex8221 you do not mention the amount of leverage that would be needed to make the kinds of returns you are talking about, so I calculated the leverage myself. It turns out to be 1:1000. Isn8217t that mad dangerous, and possibly not even available 8220Each pip with a mini lot (10,000 in currency) is worth 18221 8220With 10 pips of risk you can trade 4 or 5 mini lotswhich equals 40 to 50 to respectively.8221 So 4 or 5 mini lots equals 40,000 or 50,000 in currency, and as a result, to trade 40,000 in currency with 40, or 50,000 in currency with 50, you need 1:1000 leverage, right Or am I wrong here It may seem that way, but actually no. How much a trade costs to put on, and how much is made are two different things. In fact typically a trader won8217t need more than 50:1 leverage: How Much Forex Leverage. vantagepointtrading/archives/7654 I can buy a mini lot (10,000 in currency) and make 50 by making 50 pips, and that is the same no matter if I put up the entire 10,000 (no leverage) or put up only 500 (20:1). Where leverage matters is in your percentage return, not your absolute dollar return. If you have a 5000 account with no leverage you can8217t even trade a mini lot. But if you have a 30:1 leverage account that gives you 150,000 in 8220buying power8221. So you can buy multiple mini lots (for 10,000) each. If you buy one mini lot you still only make 50 on 50 pips8230as would someone with 5:1 leverage or 1000:1 leverage. The leverage level just determines how much capital you need in your account to trade a certain position size. Does that make sense Basically leverage determines how much you need in your account to take a trade8230and is a separate issue from the actual dollar amount return of a trade. Hope that helps Hi Cory I am a college student and i want to learn Forex. what would you recommend to(course) learn for beginner.. which will a good online broker for beginner Forex I have written an ebook which covers the basics of forex trading and provides multiple day trading and swing trading strategies: vantagepointtrading/forex-day-trading-and-swing-trading-strategy-guide Other than that, you can go through the Trading Tutorials page and read individual articles. While this approach is fine, articles don8217t provide the full picture like the book would. As for brokers, it will depend on where you are located and your trading style (if you want the option of scalping then FXOpen is recommended), but here are a few to check out: Oanada FXOpen HotForex TD Ameritrade Thinkorswim I used different account amounts to show that you can generally start trading forex and futures with less capital than would be required for day trading stocks. Also, I used slightly different strategy examples for each market. Based on the different variables used in the calculations, the article isn8217t meant to showcase which market is better or more profitable, rather simply to show making a living in any of these markets is possible. To answer your question though, yes I believe there is more profit potential in the forex and futures markets than in the stock market. This is largely attributed to the use of leverage in the forex and futures markets which can magnify returns (and losses). Forex and futures markets can also be traded 24-hours a day, which in my opinion allows risk to be controlled more precisely8211especially if you do decide to hold positions overnight8211because (unlike stocks) there aren8217t any gaps in the price from one day to the next (except on weekends, but that can8217t be avoided in any of these markets). Hi I love your explanations I just have two questions: First, When you compared how much money you can make a month in different markets, you started stocks with 30,000 and Forex with 5,0008230. proportionally this should have Forex most profitable because if you started a Forex account you could possibly make 11,520 a month.(19202156). Therefore my first question is, is the forex market the most profitable if I plan eventually invest large sums of money I am a college student and as I career search I find myself especially attracted to investing so I want to know what market I should plan to invest in as an occupation for the rest of my life ETFs are great. If you aren8217t a day trader but looking to trade ETFs you may want to consider Thinkorswim then. The reason being that there are a number of ETFs you can trade commission free with Thinkorswim. There is a full list of commission free ETFs (with select brokers) available here: etfdb/type/commission-free/all/expenses. As you8217ll see there are few other brokers who also offer commission free trading select ETFs. And the platform is pretty good for most traders purposes. You can try out Thinkorswim for free using a 8220papermoney8221 account: thinkorswim/tos/displayPage. toswebpagepaperMoney Depends on where you located and how you plan to trade. Interactive brokers is a very popular choice. So is thinkorswim (TD Ameritrade), but Interactive Brokers is likely the better choice8230especially if day trading when costs need to be kept low. There are other brokers of course. To see what lots of people are saying about their brokers and how they rate them, a good source is: elitetrader/br/index. cfm Thanks for the feedback I heard of them before and I currently trade forex as a trend follower I8217m not into day trading however I am looking to diversify my trading by trading etfs as well what are your thoughts on that quentin walker says: Hello Nice Website, I am a forex trader and I am looking to explore trading stocks, what are your reccomendations on what broker to use hello my name is hira i am a beginner at forex can i personally interact with you through email chatThe Forex Establishment While collecting data about the Forex market, it is important to know who the major players are. Who originally designed Forex, who are the major participants, who makes decisions that have a significant impact on the Forex market This and more will be explored in ldquoThe Forex Establishment. rdquo First, letrsquos examine what is an establishment. What is an establishment Established interests, powers, businesses, individuals, and organizations, develop a territory in their own field. This is done by creating a paradigm their own set of rules, objectives, and culture associated with their field. lsquoThe Establishmentrsquo originally was coined by British Journalist Henry Fairlie, in 1955: quotBy the Establishment, I do not only mean the centres of official powermdashthough they are certainly part of itmdashbut rather the whole matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised. The exercise of power in Britain (more specifically, in England) cannot be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially. quot1 The Forex Establishment is the Forex equivalent of those who control the Forex market by design, necessity, or other function. While modern Forex originated by the floating of the Dollar and the breakdown of the Breton Woods agreement, it has grown into something new. Those who were initially impacted by the floating of the US Dollar reacted to it in various ways. Some reacted by implementing advanced trading techniques such as hedging to combat a volatile currency environment. Others simply changed the way they did business. What types of players move the Forex market Who are the significant players, in each category Brokers donrsquot have a natural place in Forex, as they do on the exchanges. Exchanges require customers to use a broker who has a seat on the exchange or an affiliate of one. This gives the exchange objectivity, and allows for brokers to compete with each other offering efficient pricing models for execution. But since banks were unwilling to offer Forex trading for smaller, retail investors, brokers seized an opportunity offering account sizes as low as 1. Oanda has no new account minimum and it is possible to trade 1 unit (as opposed to a bank imposed 100,000 minimum). Some statistics say that retail Forex now represents 5 of overall FX volume. Forex Blog ldquoForex Magnatesrdquo claims this number is closer to 2, citing 118 Billion in July 2009. While this is not a large figure, it grew from zero in a period of 10 years. Orders are getting larger and brokers need solutions for liquidity, they are now some of the banks best customers for FX. Saxo Bank can auto-execute an order on major pairs up to 100 Million per click, and regularly processes orders for customers who trade 1 billion per order. Brokers are also leading the technology development behind Forex. Banks mostly take the view of offering what is necessary to trade for their existing customers, whereas the brokers offer an edge to obtain new business. Banks have been slow to adapt to new technology, for many reasons but plainly they have something that is outdated but works, so why create potential liability and expense without any guaranteed return Banks like guarantees, and this type of thinking is what cost them missing a great business opportunity. Or maybe it saved them a lot of trouble, but the fact is that if the banks had invested in FX technology and offered Forex to retail customers, modern forex brokers such as Saxo Bank, Oanda, and others, would likely not exist at all. Suddenly, in 2007 many banks started offering retail platforms, and in 2008 Citibank finally offered retail Forex trading using the Saxo Bank platform. This was a pyrrhic victory for retail Forex, for Saxo Bank, and a final defeat for the big banks to take the lead. Citibank being one of the worldrsquos largest banks surely could find resources sufficient to build their own proprietary platform, but they chose to use an existing retail platform built by 2 traders publicly accused of defrauding and misleading investors in a lsquobucket shoprsquo. The final irony sealing the argument is Citi is one of Saxorsquos liquidity partners, so a customer of Citibank retail FX may deposit funds with an omnibus account at Citibank (custody customer funds account for Citi clients at Saxo) and while placing a large order on the Saxo Bank platform, Saxo may pass the trade through to Citi, if they are on the offer So what then does Citibank need Saxo Bankrsquos platform for, a simple GUI Saxo Bank represents the ldquoNew Forex Establishment, rdquo a growing number of companies who have been founded since 1990 that are setting standards in Forex. Another significant broker that represents the ldquoNew Forex Establishmentrdquo is Oanda: OANDA is an outgrowth of the Swiss Olsen Group and was created to serve as an internet trading platform to automate techniques based on the groups 20 years worth of research in foreign exchange trading.4 Much of OANDAs technology is based on algorithms published in the book High Frequency Finance 5, which was co-authored by Dr. Richard Olsen, a principal of OANDA and co-inventor of these algorithms. OANDA Corporation was incorporated in 1996 in the state of Delaware, and initially provided online access to live currency information that was previously inaccessible to the public at large. At its inception, OANDA offered free currency conversion tools, tables of historical data, news, and analysis through a multilingual interface 6, and other information likely to be of use to international travelers. In 2001, OANDA launched FXTrade, an online Forex trading system designed with the aim to lower the costs and risks associated with Forex trading. Some of its more innovative features included flexible trade sizes, 24/7 trading, instant settlement on all transactions, continuous interest payments calculated second-by-second throughout the day, and no lot size restrictions (that is, traders could buy and sell any number of units, all at the same rate). In 2005, OANDA published The Forex Traders Bill of Rights to outline its philosophy of what Forex markets can and should offer to Forex traders. In 2007, OANDA offered spot trading in an expanded list of currencies, including the Chinese Yuan.7In 2008 OANDA launched FXGlobalTransfer, an automated online foreign currency transfer service designed to offer corporate clients a low-cost, convenient, and secure method of sending funds globally at any time from any computer connected to the Internet. The same year, OANDA launched FXPedia, an online wiki of Forex information and commentary, and FXConsulting, a consulting service for corporate hedging. Banks The top 20 Forex trading banks in terms of liquidity, according to a Euromoney poll: Deutche Bank UBS Barclays Capital RBS Citi JP Morgan HSBC Goldman Sachs Credit Suisse BNP Paribas Morgan Stanley Bank of America Societe Generale Dresdner Kleinwort State Street Standard Chartered RBC Capital Markets Calyon ABN Amro Merrill Lynch The article also states that: Embattled banks boosted by performance in booming FX markets ndash Deutche Bank retains top position Highest-ever turnover and client activity recorded in the survey. Not only do these banks represent ldquoThe Forex Establishment, rdquo their FX divisions are highly successful: Buying and selling bonds, currencies and commodities probably boosted trading revenue, excluding writedowns, above the 5.07 billion-euro (6.7 billion) record in the first three months of 2007, people familiar with the matter said. The rebound will propel earnings at the Frankfurt-based bank, which posted a 4.8 billion-euro loss in the final quarter of 2008, analysts said. Many of these firmsrsquo Forex trading activities are not public the above information is derived from public financials which are of a general ledger nature. Those financials do not explain how profits were obtained by trading currencies, using what types of strategies, and in what amounts. What we do know, there have been many releases in the press from firms such as Goldman Sachs and Deutche Bank about the success of their trading operations. In fact, some of the articles indicate these were the only profitable units in their business, and in some cases were at least partially responsible from preventing firms from bankruptcy or takeover. Revenue from fixed-income, currencies and commodities, the companyrsquos biggest unit, was a record 6.8 billion in the second quarter, which compared with 6.56 billion in the first quarter and 2.38 billion in last yearrsquos second quarter. This is quite a statement, but how much of that 6.56 billion was derived from Currency trading vs. other trading operations Central Banks Central Banks are the real driver of the Forex market as they are the manufacturer of money. Only a central bank has the real power to create money. While banks create money by issuing debt, as does the treasury in the US, Central Banks have the authority, charter, and ability to create money that didnrsquot before exist. This money can be used domestically to purchase various assets, or it can be used to purchase other money ndash which is where Forex becomes interesting. This is an efficient measure of how much the US Dollar is worth not in terms of purchasing power, but compared with another currency, for example the Euro. This game is more subtle on the major liquid currencies and much more obvious on less liquid exotics. In the case of Zimbabwe, the most extreme example in recent history of hyperinflation, the inflation rate reached 26,470.8 in 2008. Hyperinflation is caused simply by the oversupply of money, created by the central bank issuing more money than the market could reasonably absorb. This is the millionaire dilemma of capitalism ndash we all want to be billionaires, but if we all had a billion dollars how much would you bill your neighbor to cut his grass (assuming you would even consider it) ndash at least 10 Million. Imagine you owned a bank, and you could add as many zeros to your account as you want. Soon you would realize the dilemma, that the more you gave yourself and spent it, your vendors would also become richer and demand more, in addition to spending your money on other vendors and so on, until your money became less and less valuable. According to hyperflation experts, this can be the beginning of a lsquovicious circlersquo in which you need to create more money in order to create the same amount of money in the last cycle, due to the declining value, adding even more downward pressure on the value of money. What prevents central banks from creating large amounts of capital is the potential for hyperinflation as in Zimbabwe. Each central bank is very different in terms of ownership, operations, structure, function, design, and powers. Western countries have adopted an lsquoindependentrsquo model where the government supposedly doesnrsquot influence bank policy, because the temptation is for governments to print as much money as they need to fund their social programs which will bring more voters ndash a natural political temptation. In smaller, more tightly controlled central banks that are less independent, they are more proactive in protecting a countries wealth and currency. Central Banking Resources: Forex hedge funds are a small part of the hedge fund community. Barclay Hedge lists Currency Traders with Managed Futures programs the top 10 having only 1.7 Billion AUM (see on right) . Bruce Kovner Bruce Stanley Kovner (born 1945 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American businessman. He is the founder and Chairman of Caxton Associates, LLC, a hedge fund that trades a global macro strategy and is considered amongst the worldrsquos top and largest 10 hedge funds with an estimated 14 billion under management. In 2006, Kovner had an estimated net worth of around 2.5 billion. Described as secretive even by family and friends, the 63-year old divorcee is perhaps one of the least known New York City billionaires outside of professional circles. His Caxton Associates despite the large amount of assets under management is known to be amongst the top 25 most enigmatic and secretive hedge funds globally. Axel Merk Axel Merk is the Founder and President of Merk Investments. Merk is an expert on macro trends, hard money, international investing and on building sustainable wealth. An authority on currencies, he is a pioneer in the use of strategic currency investing to seek diversification. Axel Merk is a sought after speaker and author on topics ranging from the economy, gold and currencies to sustainable wealth and personal finance, as well as a regular guest and contributor to the business media around the world. Having pioneered the currency asset class as head of Merk Investments, LLC, Axel Merk suggests that these times with inflation looming, the U. S. dollar failing, equity markets remaining volatile and economic recovery stumbling might call for investors to further diversify their portfolios with baskets of foreign currencies. Axel, who strongly recommends The Gold Report as a quotbrilliant resourcequot in his about-to-be released book (Sustainable Wealth: Achieving Financial Security in a Volatile World of Debt and Consumption), looks at the wider picture too. For instance, he tells us that while a world reserve currency is impractical, ungovernable, unworkable and unlikely, diversification within each countrys reserves would make sense in the global economy. merkfund/ Merk has just launched a retail Forex product: Money manager Axel Merk has a proposition for average investors: play the currency markets like a hedge fund for a mere 2,500. Normally the worlds foreign exchange markets -- where dollars, euros and yen exchange hands at lightning speed and in enormous sums -- are off limits to people who are saving a few hundred dollars a week for retirement or college tuition. FX Concepts FX Concepts is one of the worldrsquos oldest and most established independent currency managers. For more than 20 years, we have been helping investors generate sustainable returns while managing their currency risk. Our world-class research team provides currency forecasts and market insights to institutional money managers and investors on a subscription basis. John Henry Founded in 1982, John W. Henry amp Company, Inc. (JWHreg) is an alternative asset manager that is one of the longest established managed futures advisors in the world. Utilizing global markets in foreign exchange, financial futures and commodities, JWH historically has generated returns non-correlated to those of equity and fixed income investments. The firm manages assets for retail, institutional and private investors in the Americas, Europe and Asia. JWHs 6 investment programs, and funds for which JWH acts as manager or co-manager, offer investors a wide variety of investment solutions to suit various portfolios and investment strategies. John Henry has been listed as one of the largest currency traders on Barclay Hedge in terms of AUM figures. Michael Marcus Michael Marcus is a commodities trader who, in less than 20 years, is reputed to have turned his initial 30,000 into 80 million. Marcus met his mentor Ed Seykota while working as an analyst and learned money management from him. hellip who went on to become one of the worlds biggest currency speculators. He made a fortune in gold and another fortune in cocoa before moving into trading tanker rates and other indices in the shipping industry. He parlayed a thirty-thousand-dollar stake into an eighty-million-dollar fortune. He owned ten houses in every beautiful place in the world, many of which he had never slept in. His wife left him, but Marcus was too busy to notice. Trading from a beachside mansion in California, he was waking up every two hours throughout the night to place three-hundred-million-dollar bets on currency markets in Australia, Hong Kong, Zurich, and London. His secret Marcus is a chartist. He is a trend follower who keeps an eye on market penetration and resistance. There are many other significant Forex funds, too many to name in an article. Importantly, there seems to be no common ground for these traders. They all come from various backgrounds, unlike other more established industries. The National Security Council, purportedly the most powerful committee in the world, has accepted members who all are 1 or 2 degrees of Henry Kissinger (meaning they either worked or went to school with Kissinger or one of his close associates). One might think that due to the significance and size of the Forex market, a similar crowd rules, but it does not. Pimco The Pacific Investment Management Company, LLC (PIMCO), is an investment company and runs the Total Return fund, the worldrsquos largest bond fund. Founded in 1971 in Newport Beach, California, with just US12 million in assets under management at the time, it is now owned by Allianz, a global insurance company based in Munich, Germany. Mohamed A. El-Erian is PIMCOs chief executive officer and co-chief investment officer along with co-founder William ldquoBillrdquo Gross. Gross manages PIMCOs Total Return Fund, which has over 150 billion under management. As of March 31, 2009, PIMCO in total had over US756 billion in assets under management and more than 1,200 employees.1 On May 16, 2007, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was hired as a special consultant by PIMCO and he will participate in PIMCOrsquos quarterly economic forums and speak privately with the bond manager about Fed interest rate policy.2 With Pimcorsquos nearly 1 Trillion in Assets Under Management, Pimcorsquos international bond plays can move the Forex market. While Pimco doesnrsquot have a primary focus on speculating in Forex, they do implement hedging on foreign bond purchases. Bill Gross is frequently making statements about Foreign Exchange, such as a recent article: Bill Gross, who runs the 169 billion Pimco Total Return Fund, is also warning the U. S. currency will fall. Holders of dollars should diversify before central banks and sovereign wealth funds do the same because of concern government budget deficits will deepen, Gross said in June. Grossrsquo fund has returned 12 percent in the past year, outperforming 96 percent of its peers, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Industry Statistics: Global Fund Management Industry Forex as a daily turnover trades 3.98 Trillion according to the infamous Triennial Central Bank Survey. Who is trading these vast sums, certainly not travelers The Global Fund Management Industry is trading Currencies both for speculation in Forex, but mostly to settle international bond and equity portfolios. Assets of the global fund management industry increased for the fourth year running in 2007 to reach a record 74.3 trillion. This was up 14 on the previous year and double from five years earlier. Growth during the past three years has been due to an increase in capital inflows and strong performance of equity markets. Pension assets totaled 28.2 trillion in 2007, with a further 26.2 trillion invested in mutual funds and 19.9 trillion in insurance funds. Together with alternative assets, such as those of sovereign wealth funds, hedge funds, private equity funds and funds of wealthy individuals, assets of the global fund management industry probably totaled around 110 trillion at the end of 2007.The US was by far the largest source of funds under management in 2007 with nearly a half of the world total. It was followed by the UK with 9 and Japan with 6. The Asia-Pacific region has shown the strongest growth in recent years. Countries such as China and India offer huge potential and many companies are showing an increased focus in this region Seeking Alpha, these fund managers invest in Foreign Bonds, Equities, and other Foreign Currency denominated assets, driving Forex. The new technology establishment Meta Quotes Software Companywas in the right place at the right time offering the ideal platform. A free, easily obtainable, easy to download and install in Windows, offering anyone the ability to program their own automated trading system and run it through the tester. This is very thrilling and they are then compelled to open a live account with any broker offering the MT4 system. This is a great marketing tool, because customer demand can be a powerful governing force of a corporate budget. Now, MT4 is ubiquitous in Forex, both retail and institutional. Open a free demo account for Meta Trader 4: demo. eesfx/ A more developed technical establishment is the Fix Protocol. FIX is used in non-FX markets so it has some support for rampd by large equity broker-dealers with big budgets. Regardless, FIX has become the standard messaging protocol for API FX Trading. fixprotocol. org/ Who wants to support the US Dollar Contrary to popular belief, it is very questionable who really wants a strong dollar. It would seem that the US Government and large US Corporations would want a strong dollar, and the common belief that if the dollar is strong that is good for the US Economy in general. However, currency expert Marc Chandler doesnrsquot agree, and he explains his argument in detail. In his most recent book by Bloomberg Press, ldquoMaking sense of the Dollarrdquo Chandler explores many myths and common misconceptions, most notably he claims that it doesnrsquot matter if the dollar is strong or weak. He claims that when the dollar is down, US companies who own a great majority of their assets overseas, profit because of a strong non-USD asset base. He also points out, that during the recent administration Strong Dollar Policy, the US Dollar lost considerable value. If Marc Chandler were a lone author living in a small cabin in the woods his arguments may strike some as lacking credibility. But Mr. Chandler could not be a more credentialed FX expert, working as the Chief Forex Strategist for prestigious bank Brown Brothers Harriman. He previously worked at HSBC and has been quoted in many financial media news articles such as the Financial Times, Barronrsquos, and Currency Trader. What this proves is not what the prevailing bias is for the USD in the US. It proves there is no consensus there are differing views inside an economy whether their currency should be weak or strong. These forces may counterbalance each other internally in addition to competing with external forces. The conclusion is, whether Marc Chandler is right or wrong, there are significant forces inside the US (for example US based exporters) who want a weak dollar. Right or wrong, these forces influence Forex rates. This is a part of why Forex is such a complex and interesting market. What corn seller wants the price of Corn to decline What CEO wants his stock price to collapse Most markets have a bullish bias, where many participants, usually on the sell side, will do nearly anything to promote the purchase of their commodity or security. If there are domestic interests, in any country, worried that Forex traders can undermine their authority to support their currency they are gravely mistaken. If anything, they are a natural extra arm of any administration ndash no Forex trade can outlast a Central Bank intervention (no one has deeper pockets than a Central Bank), they will quickly get on the bandwagon, follow the trend, and return profits to their clients or their own accounts. In other words, they can just as easily bid up the US Dollar as they could offer it down. Alpha by money creation When a central bank creates money, usually it is created in the form of loans to banks and large institutions such as governments. But in a Forex intervention, money is created by purchasing other money. In the case of the Central Bank of Japan, they will sell JPY (of which they have an unlimited supply) in order to drive down the value of the JPY so exporters profits will be boosted as foreigners can purchase cheaper Japanese goods with their strong non-JPY currencies. When the Japanese central bank intervenes by purchasing foreign currencies, whoever is the holder of those currencies is the beneficiary. Multiplied with leverage, this can be a very profitable FX trade. It benefits all participants in the economy of the foreign currency, but to have a direct pecuniary impact it needs to be reflected in an FX account by holding a short JPY position during the intervention, for example being long EUR/JPY or USD/JPY. This is a financial anomaly, and contradicts the economic adage there is no such thing as a free lunch. This is free money in all manners of understanding. Of course, you would be losing if you were long JPY during an intervention. This trade, with no leverage, generated 33 in 2 years. Other markets such as the stock market need a loser for a winner. This is one reason why in FX there can be multiple winners, statistically speaking, there can be more winners than losers both in real terms and on a percentage basis. In this USD/JPY trade above, the Central Bank of Japan is the loser. But since they are the primary source of money, they arenrsquot a loser in the traditional understanding of a trade, because their goal is financial stability of the Japanese economy. A weak JPY does boost imports so the net gain for Japan is positive. It is a subtle way of financing your customers. The Central Bank of Japan is giving you money to buy their products. If we can for a moment set aside the individual trade technicalities, those profits, in aggregate, are absorbed by the global market. They are spread around between the USD, EUR, GBP, CAD, NZD, AUD, and others. Itrsquos important to understand that these profits are only tangible if you have a direct FX position in the JPY. Otherwise benefits will be felt in terms of purchasing power of the currency and cost of products, but this is less direct. Currently, there are few sources to obtain quality valid Forex data. The CFTC publishes a quarterly report of all regulated US based FDMs, but the statistics offered will only tell us about the capitalization of these firms. This is valuable, but it is only a small piece of a larger puzzle. What brokers and banks could publish that would be very interesting, could include: Total number of profitable accounts from open to close Average win for losing accounts Average loss for winning accounts (From open until today) Total profit made from all customers Total loss created by all customers Profit made by FDMs from dealing operations, from commissions, from other services (profit structure breakdown) of Forex accounts used for Hedging vs. Speculation Average profit and losses for hedgers vs. speculators Amount of profit earned per trade by the bank Profit made by the bank in proprietary Forex trading Some companies are willing to disclose information answering the above questions unofficially. That statement cannot be substantiated because this information was gained in confidence. Such is the world of Forex. The Forex Establishment is being redefined rapidly. The defunct Lehman Brothers was a top 10 Forex liquidity provider. Technology standards have been established by non-financial software startups from obscure locations. The only certainty about The Forex Establishment is that it will adapt at an ever increasing rate. Elite E Services is an electronic boutique brokerage specializing in currency trading, intelligence, and technology surrounding foreign exchange markets. EES offers FX trading systems for clients and investors, FX consulting, technology and tools for trading, system development, custom programming, and FX solutions for businesses. DISCLAIMER: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. copy 2005-2016 MarketOracle. co. uk - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis amp Forecasting online publication.

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